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5 Questions for Attorney Hartwig


1. Why did you choose to go into a profession in law?

Honestly, I stumbled upon the idea very late in my undergraduate studies, and I became interested in becoming a trial lawyer. Being able to convince all jurors of your position on a case that results in a not guilty verdict or a large monetary verdict for an injured family has driven me to this day.

2. What do you find most challenging and rewarding about being in a legal career?

The challenging part is juggling court schedules and operating the business side of a law practice. The best part is seeing hard work result in favorable outcomes for clients of all walks of life.

3. Why do you choose to stay in Youngstown to work?

I was born and raised here and many of my closest friends and family remain in the area. I am proud that my grandparents worked hard in this town and raised good families, and I hope to do the same for mine. Youngstown has great history and people. The city and surrounding suburbs offer a low cost of living, beautiful parks, and plenty of activities to stay busy.

4. What separates Hartwig Law over other firms in the area?

I believe our strategy to analyze each client’s case from a team perspective, from lawyers to paralegals, allows us to gain different insights, angles, and defenses to best represent our clients.

5. What do you like to do in your spare time when you are not at Hartwig Law?

My spare time is consumed by my three children’s extracurricular activities. I enjoy dinners with my wife, movies at home, and golfing with friends.

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